Metro State: How do you characterize your art?
Adesola Owolabi: Symbolic
MS: Tell me about your latest work and why you are inspired by it.
AO: My new series title “Ifesowapo” is inspired by my relationship with everyone around me.
MS: In what ways did your Metro State Professors influence your works?
AO: Tsehai Johnson and Kathleen Royster-Lamb’s encouragement and the persistent push to take my work to the next level really gave me high hope in everything I do. Also, my interning with Tsehai while I was at school was an eye opener to the art world.
MS: How has your work evolved since you graduated?
AO: I have so much time now for proper planning and layout before anything is executed and have been leaning more towards sculptural rather than functional.
MS: Tell me why you submitted the piece you did for MERGE.
AO: I submitted the piece because it was my latest best and one of my largest.
MS: How do you feel about this opportunity to present your work for Metro State’s new CVA facility?
AO: I feel honored to be part of the Metro Art Community and Metro State at large
MS: Is there anything I am not asking you that you want to share with me?
AO: I missed living in Colorado, but it's always going to be home too.
Read more about Owolabi on the Metro State Web site or by checking out the 9News piece in which she was featured.
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