At this year’s Annual Meeting on September 14, the Metropolitan State College Alumni Association Board of Directors voted unanimously to adopt a resolution stating their opposition to Amendments 60 and 61, and Proposition 101.
Deciding to take a position on these kinds of issues is always a carefully measured decision. It was gratifying to see how engaged board members (and other alumni present) were in the presentation given by John Lay, of Don’t Hurt Colorado. There were great questions posed and there was also a clear message in the discussion that these measures would be detrimental to Metro State and had to be opposed by the Alumni Association. Thank you for your commitment to Metro State and for your brave stance!
As a follow-up to this resolution, we anticipate activating the Alumni Action Task Force. In preparation for that, discussions are underway with the Capstone Group about next steps, including the role and actions of the Alumni Action Task Force. I am happy to tell you that Board Member John Silva is ready to take a lead role as the Chair of the Alumni Action Task Force, and I want to express my thanks to him for stepping up!
Dr. Jordan and Rob Cohen, Chair of the Board of Trustees, have also expressed their sincere appreciation to the Alumni Board from the College and the Trustees. They are well aware of the important role of the Alumni Association in this endeavor and were pleased that the Board approved the resolution.
For more information on these amendments and proposition:
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